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We went to visit Nee Nee & Paw Paw this weekend in Virginia. We flew into Richmond and made the drive out to Drewryville, which wasn't as bad as it sounds (except that our rental was a Dodge Caliber... but that's a whole nother story;). We were on interstates for the most part, but we did get brave and go the back way (Owen Rd. vs. Co. Rd. 58). Even so, the drive from the airport only took as a little over an hour. We really enjoyed spending time with Nee Nee and Paw Paw and Uncle Kenny. Paw Paw is doing really well, especially considering he just had a heart attack a week ago!!! He was getting around better than I do some days, and showing us the workshop they built and giving us a history of Drewryville too! Nee Nee showed Shannon all around the area, and of course took him by the post office (and Wal Mart;)! And she cooked us plenty of good home cooking too =) The weather wasn't too cold and Nubbin and all those animals kept us all pretty entertained! When we pulled up, there were 3 dogs in the driveway to greet us, but none of them was Nubbins! One was Uncle Kenny's ginormous puppy, Bud and the other 2 belonged to the neighbors on either side, which were new since my last visit. Now you can see actual houses from the yard which was so strange! The dogs are pretty cute though, Abby the beagle and Tater the, let's say schnauzer. Abby & Bud play together but Nubbins chases Tater off if he sees him ;) And it was my first time to meet Gray & Striper too. Gray was very interested in the visitors, but Striper hid from us, and Nubbins was lively as always. All in all, a great trip and we can't wait to go back and stay longer and GO FISHING! Posting a pic of me and the grandparents here, but you can see more pics from our trip here: