We flew to Toronto this weekend for Harleen & Navneet's weekend-long wedding festivities and had a total blast! It was our first time trolling as a couple and we were greeted at the airport by Christine and Natasha sporting a 'welcome trolls' sign - love it. Friday night was the sangeet where us girls got beautiful mehndi designs on our hands. It was so cool to watch the henna artist at work. It was like she was just doodling away but the result was these gorgeous designs on our hands. It was a great party and Harleen & Navneet both looked awesome. Everyone toasted the happy couple and offered plenty of marriage advice and jokes. There was singing and dancing and of course EATING! The food was sooo good we were all stuffed to the gills by the time we left. On Saturday we hosted a lingerie shower for Harleen at the condo downtown and Shannon got out to tour the city some. The shower was fun and we enjoyed getting to hang out all together. Natasha handed out her awesome tote bags she made (I carry mine everywhere now) and we all ooohed and aaahed at the treasures stuffed inside (i.e., dentist samples and uab paraphanelia courtesy natasha;). Unfortunately it rained most of the day but that night we moved to the hotel in Markham to get ready for the big day! We picked up our beautiful outfits Harleen had picked out for us and got a good night's sleep. On Sunday bright and early us girls met Harleen in her room to watch as her Uncle applied her bangles all the way up to her elbow. Then we tied bells onto her bracelets and took lots of pictures. The photographer was HILARIOUS but really good. Everyone looked so great in their outfits, and Tanveer's friend Navrup even tied a turban for Shannon! Leena was of course a BEAUTIFUL BRIDE. We were all breathtaken. We knew she'd be gorgeous but WOW!
The ceremony was at the Gurudwara and it was beautiful. It went by so fast, and before we knew it they were married! We ate a delicious lunch and saw them off to the Doli. We had some much-needed downtime between the ceremony and reception so after naps and a change of clothes we were all glammed up and ready to partay! The reception was awesome and everyone had a great time. Leena looked sooo pretty and Navneet didn't look too bad either ;) We ate some more awesome food and danced the night away! You can see pics from the wedding here. Enjoy!