I (Mary) went to visit Harleen and Navneet in Toronto this weekend and had a fabu trolling time!
I arrived Friday and we enjoyed a lovely dinner in little italy followed by drinks and crepes at i feel like crepe. It was like so yum. I heart crepes so much, and these totally lived up to my parisienne expectations - and the martinis weren't bad either ;) Then it was time for a lively game o'scrabble, where Nav whooped us girls. He was all appletinis and triple word scores. Dang.
Saturday morning it was just us girls so we trolled around for awhile and snuggled on the trollcouch and looked at many many gorgeous wedding pictures. I may or may not have also begun a whole 'nutha level of the organization process of said wedding photos for printing... We decided we should probably trek into the outside world at some point, even though it was a bit drizzly. We braved it and had a romantic fireside lunch at magic oven. Yummy yummy spinach dip and oven-baked wraps, followed of course by coffee and tea at timmy's. Lovely afternoon, right? As you can see I basically ate my way through the city ;)
After tea time the rain had picked up so we decided to retreat to the warmth of the troll bed once again and watched red, white and brown. Russell Peters is so funny. Ha a ha ha ha ha. And so wrong. Guilt ensued. Heeee. Then Nav came home and guilted us out of the house. But we went to Pacific Mall and were old ladies and it was awesome. I got this fabu tea cup and am super psyched about it.
We picked Nav up and on our way to a lovely sushi dinner, we passed a production filming on a side street. We couldn't see the actors so weren't too interested, but upon my return to the states I learned that the new TWILIGHT movie is filming in T.O! Unnnn-belieeeevable! Don't tell Liz.
After dinner we watched Vicky Cristina Barcelona, which I loooved. It made me want to go to Barcelona sooo bad! It's moved up on the list for sure :) After movie I watched daylight saving time time happen before my very eyes. The clock went from 1:59 am to 3:00 am. Fascinating. Then it was bedtime, sleeping-in time, and then yummy yummy brunch at Fran's. Looooved it. Then it was take-your-troll-to-the-airport-time, and I was home sweet home by 6 pm!
Yayyyy! Thanks for being such awesome fun hosts and next up - Georgian Bay!