On Friday, we visited the Getty Center. It was amazing. If you do nothing else in LA, do this. The exhibits are wonderful, but you could spend all day just wandering around the lush grounds taking in the views from every side of the complex. We got there around lunchtime and shuffled out at 5:30 closing time on the final tram.
Friday night at 7 pm marked the start of the long-feared, much-hyped #carmageddon, which ended up being a non-issue, probably because the locals heeded the warnings and respectfully stayed at home! We on the other hand were out and about, with no traffic problems to speak of.
Sunday was our lazy beach day. We slept in and spent the rest of the day walking from Santa Monica to Venice Beach and the Venice canals, and then back to Santa Monica, about 6 miles round trip. Then on Monday we flew home and Liz was kind enough to meet us halfway to pick up Riley.
It was a great trip, and we loved the perfect weather and scenic views. You can see all the photos (complete with captions of course!) from our weekend here.